For Arria® V and Cyclone® V Hard Memory Controller (HMC) designs, you will see the following critical warning if the MPFE clocks (mp_cmd_clk_0_clk, mp_rfifo_clk_0_clk, mp_wfifo_clk_0_clk) are generated by a stand-alone PLL and not the HMC PLL:
Critical warning: <Instance_name>_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find PLL clock for pins
Warning: <Instance_name>_p0_pin_map.tcl: Could not find all DRIVER CORE CK pins
You need to apply the following workaround:
Step 1) Open the <Instance_name>_p0_pin_map.tcl file and change
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn (driver_core_ck_pins)]] > 0} {
if {[string compare -nocase (driver_core_ck_pins) ""] != 0 && [get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn (driver_core_ck_pins)]] > 0} {
Step 2) In the <Instance_name>_p0.sdc file, change the pll_driver_core_clock to the clock that drives the MPFE clock inputs (mp_cmd_clk_0_clk, mp_rfifo_clk_0_clk, mp_wfifo_clk_0_clk).
This issue will be fixed in a future release of the Quartus® II software.