In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 18.1 and later, you may see the following error message when simulating a design containing the Intel® Stratix® 10 HPS EMIF.
ERROR: iossm_bf_cpu_cpu_test_bench/ihp_read is 'x'
This error is generated because the simulation of a design containing Intel® Stratix® 10 HPS EMIF is not supported.
To avoid this error, follow one of the methods below to remove the Intel® Stratix® 10 HPS EMIF from the existing design.
Method 1
- Make a copy of the existing Quartus project.
- In the Quartus design copy, remove the HPS from the project hierarchy.
- Regenerate the simulation database.
Method 2
- Open the Platform Designer system of the existing Quartus project.
- Select the HPS component in the Platform Designer system.
- Click on the Component Instantiation tab or click View > Component Instantiation.
- The current Implementation Type will be set to IP (default). Select Blackbox.
- Regenerate the simulation database. The module will not be generated for that instance.
- When you build the final syntheziable system, ensure that you revert the Implementation Type back to IP.