Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.1 and earlier, you may see this error in the IP Parameter Editor when creating RAM IPs using M20K memory blocks. This error will be seen after selecting New Data in Single Port Read-During-Write mode. This error occurs when targeting Intel® Stratix® 10 devices.
Error: s10_ram_1port_0.ram_1port_0: 'X MASKs' of q output should be checked while using 'NEW DATA' for M20K memory block type.
Error: s10_ram_1port_0.ram_1port_0: For Stratix 10, single port only support 'Dont care' or 'Old Data' for Read During Write Port A while using M20K memory block type.
M20K does not support New Data in Single Port RAMs for Intel® Stratix® 10 devices.
To work around this problem, use Old Data for M20K memory blocks in Single Port Read-During-Write mode.
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software version 20.1