Article ID: 000086790 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 02/11/2023

Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA single supply Modular ADC Intel® FPGA IP generation Error: ADC_ADC: "External Reference Voltage" (external_vref) <voltage> is out of range: 0.0-2.5


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition
  • Modular ADC core Intel® FPGA IP

    You will receive this error message when 'generate HDL' after the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) reference voltage switch from the external mode to internal mode in Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA single supply Modular ADC Intel® FPGA IP . This issue is due to the IP hw.tcl set the allowable range of external reference voltage source to a default value of 0.0-2.5 V instead of valid range allowable by the selected device. 


    This problem will be fixed in the future release of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software version. Follow these steps for temporary workaround when the ADC reference voltage switch from the external mode to internal mode:

    1. Set the ADC reference voltage external to 2.5 V and below before switch to internal mode.
    2. Generate the HDL.
    3. Change the ADC reference voltage to internal mode.
    4. Generate the HDL again.

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