Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software, you might see that for Intel® Arria® 10 SX devices, the ALTCLKCTRL Intel® FPGA IP output clock signal is stucked high when it's assigned to the CLKCTRL_2L_G_I17 location.
To work around this problem, create a dummy instance of the ALTCLKCTRL Intel® FPGA IP, and add the following assignments in the Quartus settings file (.qsf) to preserve the dummy instance and to fix the location to CLKCTRL_2L_G_I17.
set_location_assignment CLKCTRL_2L_G_I17 -to <dummy_clkctrl_instance_name>
set_instance_assignment -name PRESERVE_FANOUT_FREE_WYSIWYG ON -to <dummy_clkctrl_instance_name>