You may encounter the following failure when using the Single Event Upset (SEU) feature in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 18.1:
1. After performing Partial Reconfiguration (PR), the SEU error detection on the PR region will not function as expected.
2. If SEU error detection happened in both the priority and non-priority regions (when you enable Priority Scrubbing), the first SEU error message read out from the queue is the error from the non-priority region.
1. The SEU error detection operation for non-PR region is not impacted, however there is no workaround for the PR region.
2. When using Intel Quartus Prime Pro software version 18.1, always monitor the last SEU error message read out from the queue if you are concerned about the error detected in a priority region. This is fixed in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro software version 19.1. After the fix, the first SEU error message read out from the queue will be the error detected in priority region.