Critical Issue
Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime Software version 18.1 and earlier, you may see similar errors as shown below when the Arria® 10 PHYLite IP is configured as a 48-bit output interface with the Use Output Strobe option disabled.
In the Quartus Prime Standard Edition Software,
Error (10198): Verilog HDL error at part-select direction is opposite from prefix index direction
Error (12152): Can't elaborate user hierarchy "ed_synth_altera_phylite_180_7qlz52a:phylite_0_example_design|ed_synth_altera_phylite_arch_nf_180_wqpiemi:core|phylite_core_20:arch_inst|phylite_io_bufs:u_phylite_io_bufs"
In the Quartus Prime Pro Edition Software,
Error (13437): Verilog HDL error at part-select direction is opposite from prefix index direction
Error (13224): Verilog HDL or VHDL error at index 48 is out of range [47:0] for 'group_data_out_n'
To work around these errors, the Arria® 10 PHYLite IP can be configured as a 47-bit or smaller data width interface.
This problem will be fixed in a future release of the Quartus® Prime Software.