Article ID: 000085352 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 08/21/2012

Error (332000): ERROR: Argument "node_object" is an object filter that matches no objects. Specify one matches only one object


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    You may see the following error when trying to run <instance_name>_p0_pin_assignments.tcl file when implementing UniPHY based external memory interface IP generated in VHDL:

    Error (332000): ERROR: Argument <node_object> is an object filter that matches no objects. Specify one matches only one object.

        while executing
    "get_node_info -cell "
        (procedure "is_node_type_pll_clk" line 2)
        invoked from within
    "is_node_type_pll_clk "
        (procedure "get_input_clk_id" line 2)
        invoked from within
    "get_input_clk_id "
        (procedure "<instant_name>_p0_get_ddr_pins" line 240)
        invoked from within
    "<instant_name>_p0_get_ddr_pins allpins"
        (procedure "<instant_name>_p0_initialize_ddr_db" line 13)
        invoked from within
    "<instant_name>_p0_initialize_ddr_db <instant_name>_p0_ddr_db"
        invoked from within
    "if { ! [ info exists <instant_name>_p0_sdc_cache ] } {
        set <instant_name>_p0_sdc_cache 1
        <instant_name>_p0_initialize_ddr_db <instant_name>_p0_ddr_db
    } else..."
        (file "../ddr3/<instant_name>/<instant_name>_p0.sdc" line 186)


    You need to modify the RTL code in the file <instant_name>_0002.v and make changes to signal declaration for the following signals, these signals are single bit in verilog code but are declared as std_logic_vector in VHDL wrapper for the IP:

    output wire [0:0]   mem_ck,        //     .mem_ck    
    output wire [0:0]   mem_ck_n,      //     .mem_ck_n  
    output wire [0:0]   mem_cke,       //     .mem_cke  
    output wire [0:0]   mem_cs_n,      //     .mem_cs_n
    output wire [0:0]   mem_ras_n,     //     .mem_ras_n 
    output wire [0:0]   mem_cas_n,     //     .mem_cas_n 
    output wire [0:0]   mem_we_n,      //     .mem_we_n  

    by adding [0:0] you will match the signal declaration to be compatible with VHDL.

    This issue will be fixed in the future relase of Quartus II software.

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