Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® II software version 14.1, HPS User Clock 2 cannot be enabled from the HPS Megawizard in Qsys.
To work around this issue in the Intel® Quartus® II software version 14.1 follow the steps below:
To Enable HPS User Clock 2
- Save your Qsys project, and exit Qsys
- Open the .qsys file containing the HPS instance in a text editor <project Name>.qsys
- Search for the parameter S2FCLK_USER2CLK_Enable, and set it to true
<parameter name="S2FCLK_USER2CLK_Enable" value="true" /> - Save the .qsys file
- Open the project in Qsys and Generate the System
Note: The steps above may need to be repeated if the HPS parameters are edited in Qsys.
To set the frequency of HPS User Clock 2
The frequency of HPS User Clock 2 must be manually set, following the Preloader Custom Clocking flow as used for the Quartus II software 13.1 and earlier. This flow updates the generated BSP handoff file software/<bsp name>/generated/pll_config.h
Please see the following Rocketboards page for more details: http://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/Documentation/PreloaderClockingCustomization131
Then a clock constraint like the below should be added to any .sdc file. Make sure that the .sdc file should be sourced after the .qip file.
create_clock -period <HPS User Clock 2 period> [get_pins -compatibility_mode *|fpga_interfaces|clocks_resets|h2f_user2_clk]