Article ID: 000084847 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 05/05/2013

Why do reads from my Altera PLL Reconfig megafunction fail?


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    When reads are performed from the Avalon®-MM slave port on the Altera® PLL Reconfig megafunction,  the mgmt_waitrequest is not asserted correctly as specified in the Avalon Interface Specification (PDF) which will lead to the Avalon-MM master reading the incorrect data.


    A patch is available for Quartus® II 12.0sp2, 2.dp9d, which may be downloaded from the link below.

    This patch must be installed after installing the dp9 patch available from the related solution "How do I address known software issues for Stratix® V, Arria® V and Cyclone® V devices in the Quartus II software version 12.0sp2?"

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