Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software BFM simulation model, asserting the "h2f_rst_n" signal does not drive the "h2f_rst_n" signal. This causes unexpected interconnect behavior and the Platform Designer interconnect logic is not reset.
This problem affects simulation only.
To work around this problem, follow these steps:
- Modify "INITIAL_RESET_CYCLES" parameter in "submodules/<qsys-system-name>_<HPS-instance-name>_fpga_interfaces.sv" file to greater than 0.
- Assign clock (f2h_axi_clk) to the "h2f_reset_inst" instance.
Simulation Code:
altera_avalon_reset_source #(
.INITIAL_RESET_CYCLES(0) <======== (1) change "0" to 100 such as .INITIAL_RESET_CYCLES(100)
) h2f_reset_inst (
.clk(\'0) <======== (2) change \'0 to clock signal such as .clk(f2h_axi_clk)
This problem has been fixed in Quartus® II software version 14.0.