Critical Issue
Timing violations may occur in CPRI MegaCore functions that target the following combinations of device family, speed grade, and CPRI line rate:
- CPRI line rate 6144 Mbps targeting an Arria II GX speed grade I3 device
- CPRI line rate 3072 Mbps targeting a Cyclone IV GX speed grade I7 or C7 device
In the affected variations, data might be lost on TX PLD_PCS paths in the CPRI MegaCore function.
To avoid this issue, demote the TX PCS clock tx_clkout from a periphery or global clock to a LAB clock, by adding the following line to the Quartus II Project Settings File (.qsf) before compilation:
set_instance_assignment -name GLOBAL_SIGNAL OFF -to <variation>*tx_clkout*
This issue will not be fixed in a future version of the CPRI MegaCore function.