Article ID: 000083871 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 08/13/2012

Where can I find AN580 Tcl scripts for PMA Direct timing closure in EP4SGX110 and EP4SGX360 Stratix IV GX devices?


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    You can find the AN580 Tcl scripts for PMA Direct timing closure in Stratix® IV GX devices in the following locations.

    The TCL script for EP4SGX110 Stratix IV GX devices can be downloaded from the following link:

    The Tcl script for EP4SGX360 Stratix IV GX devices can be found in the Quartus® II installation directory beginning with the Quartus II software version 10.0. Later Quartus II software versions include placement script information for 110, 230, 360, 530 and 530 ES device families:

    • altera\<version>\quartus\common\tcl\apps\pmaff

    You can find instructions for using the Tcl script in Application Note 580.

    You can run the script in Quartus II software versions 9.1 and later.

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