Article ID: 000081276 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 04/08/2013

Does the Quartus II software version 11.1 SP2 include all the fixes from the Quartus II software version 11.1 SP1 device patch 1.dp11?


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    No, the Quartus® II software version 11.1 SP2 does not include all the fixes for Stratix® V and Arria® V devices from the Quartus II software version 11.1 SP1 device patch 1.dp11. Fixes for the following issues in the readme for device patch 1.dp11 are not included:

    Issue 18 (31645)
    Quartus II triggers the following error when openning Chip Planner for
    Stratix V designs with DQS FF:
    Fatal Error: Access Violation at 0X000000001CED28C5

    Issue 23 (32785)
    Alt_syncram is missing some timing paths for Stratix V M20K ECC modes.

    Issue 26 (33894)
    Internal Error: Sub-system: ASMCC,
    File: /quartus/comp/asmcc/asmcc_bitfield.cpp, Line: 882
    Assembler bitfield error: Found conflicting assignments for CRAM address; address = 4935431

    Issue 27 (34197)
    Internal Error: Sub-system: ASMIO,
    File: /quartus/comp/asmio/asmio_oct.cpp, Line: 714

    Issue 28 (34212)
    Address decoder in Stratix V soft XAUI had incorrect connection,
    making registers in address range 0x40 -0x7F inaccessible.
    Resolution For all the current fixes for Stratix V and Arria V devices, install the Quartus II software version 11.1 SP2 and install the latest device patch from the related solution below.

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