‘busy’ and ‘reconfig_address_en’ ports may show unexpected simulation behavior upon startup in Stratix® II GX and newer GX/GT/GZ families. Following workaround can be implemented to resolve this simulation issue.
Dynamic Reconfiguration Controller block has a reconfig_clk input port. In simulation, if you initialize the reconfig_clk input to a value of 1, then the busy and reconfig_adddress_en ports may go to an unknown state (value of x). This issue occurs in both the VHDL and Verilog models.
For example, the following Verilog code would cause this behavior.
initial begin
reconfig_clk = 1’b1; //clock starts at logic high
always begin
#<clock period/2> reconfig_clk = ~reconfig_clk;
To work around this issue, initialize the reconfig_clk input to a value of 0 in the simulation test bench.