When implementing the OBSAI protocol using the Deterministic Latency PHY in Arria® V GZ and Stratix® V devices, you may fail to achieve rx_syncstatus when IDLE, IDLE_ACK and IDLE_REQ patterns are sent during the link up process. You can achieve synchronization by retriggering rx_patternalign or asserting rx_digitalreset.
This applies to the Deterministic Latency PHY with the following configuration:
- Data Rate: 6.144 Gbps or 3.072 Gbps
- PMA-PCS Data Width: 20-bits
To work around this problem, follow these steps:
For Quartus® II software versions before release 14.0:
- File an Intel PreSales Support to obtain a software patch(patch0.87).
- After the patch is installed, add the following assignment to your Quartus II Settings File (.qsf).
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_MACRO "SV_XCVR_CUSTOM_NATIVE_ASSERT_SYNC_STATUS_IMM=\"assert_sync_status_imm\"" - Regenerate the Deterministic Latency PHY IP.
- Recompile your design.
For Quartus II software versions 14.0 and later:
- Add the following assignment to your .qsf file.
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_MACRO "SV_XCVR_CUSTOM_NATIVE_ASSERT_SYNC_STATUS_IMM=\"assert_sync_status_imm\"" - Regenerate the Deterministic Latency PHY IP.
- Recompile your design.
- If you are implementing both the CPRI and OBSAI protocols in a single device, open an Intel PreSales Support for further support