Article ID: 000080420 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 06/10/2019

Why do I see errors related to dp_tx and dp_rx when upgrading the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example for Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 18.0 and earlier ?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP

    Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro version 18.0 and ealier, you will encounter errors as below when attempting to auto upgrade the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP  design example.


    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_analog_reconfig_req which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_vod which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_emp which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: The system cannot be generated when there are errors.

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_analog_reconfig_req which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_emp which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_vod which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_analog_reconfig_req which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_vod which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: dp_rx: File dp_rx_dp_sink.ip declares port rx_emp which is missing in entity dp_sink

    Error: The system cannot be generated when there are errors.

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_analog_reconfig_req which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_emp which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: dp_tx: File dp_tx_dp_source.ip declares port rx_vod which is missing in entity dp_source

    Error: The system cannot be generated when there are errors.




    To upgrade DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP design example in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro version 18.0 and earlier, launch the IP Upgrade Tool and click "Upgrade in editor", then in editor, click "Sync System Infos" all files should update correctly.

    This problem is fixed in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro version 18.1.

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