Article ID: 000080298 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

Why do I receive a warning related to the width of the "rx_recovered_clk" of the XAUI PHY IP?


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    There is a known issue with the XAUI PHY IP in which the port width of the "rx_recovered_clk" signal in the generated HDL from the MegaWizard™ is the incorrect width.  The width is 3-bits wide when it should be 4.

    This issue was introduced in Quartus® II v11.0 and v11.0sp1, but has been fixed as of v11.1.  Affected devices include all Stratix® IV, Arria® II, Cyclone® IV, and HardCopy® IV variants that include transceivers.


    A workaround for Quartus II v11.0 is to manually change the width to be 4 bits.  This workaround is also valid for Qaurtus II v11.0sp1.  However, a patch exists that can be applied to Quartus II v11.0sp1.  This patch can be downloaded using the following links:

    Quartus II software version 11.0SP1 patch 1.32 for Windows

    Quartus II software version 11.0SP1 patch 1.32 for Linux

    Quartus II software version 11.0SP1 ReadMe for patch 1.32

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