The Qsys-generated RapidIO variant will not allow you to modify the "Starting Channel Number" of its transceivers.
This applies to the Cyclone® IV, Arria® II and Stratix® IV transceiver family of devices using Quartus® II software versions 13.0sp1 and earlier.
To work around this problem and modify the "Starting Channel Number" of a Qsys-generated RapidIO transceiver instance, manually change the MegaWizard™ generated RTL using the following steps:
- Navigate to the synthesis/submodules directory of the Qsys instance.
- Open the "<instance_name>_qsys_rapidio_0_riophy_gxb.v file and change the parameter "starting_channel_number" to your desired value.
This problem will be fixed in a future version of the Quartus II software.