Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software version 12.1 and later, you might see this error in Cyclone® V devices when using the ALTLVDS_RX Intel FPGA IP in external phase-locked loop (PLL) mode.
Error: IR FIFO USERDES Block node 'lvds_rx:lvds_rx_inst0|altlvds_rx:ALTLVDS_RX_component|lvds_rx_lvds_rx:auto_generated|sd2' is not properly connected on the 'WRITECLK' port. It must be connected to one of the valid ports listed below.Info: Can be connected to LOADEN port of arriav_pll_lvds_output WYSIWYGInfo: Can be connected to OUTCLK port of generic_pll WYSIWYGInfo: Can be connected to LVDSCLK port of cyclonev_pll_lvds_output WYSIWYGInfo: Can be connected to OUTCLK port of arriav_clkena WYSIWYG
To work around this problem, an LVDS buffer must be inserted between the external PLL and the ALTLVDS instance on the rx_inclock and the rx_enable ports.
Refer to the related solution under the Related Articles section to learn how to add an intermediate LVDS buffer between the external PLL and ALTLVDS Intel FPGA IP.