Article ID: 000079457 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

How do I run the simulation test vectors for my Reed Solomon Encoder verilog model in Modelsim with the Visual IP Software? (Windows NT)



These instructions are intended as a supplement to the Reed Solomon Compiler User Guide.

Before running a simulation, install the Visual IP software and extract the Reed Solomon models.

Once the the Visual IP software and the Reed Solomon models have been installed, perform the following steps:

  1. Set the environment variable VIP_MODELS_DIR to <path to reed solomon models>\vip_models (See Note 1).
  2. Add the ModelSim directory ( <path to ModelSim installation directory >\win32aloem) and the Visual IP bin directory <path to vip installation direcory >\bin> to the PATH envoronment variable (add these paths to the end of the Value field, separating the paths by a semicolon). As an example, if the default paths were selected when installing ModelSim and Visual IP, the following paths would be appended to the PATH variable (See Note 1):
    • D:\Modeltech_ae\win32aloem
    • D:\VIP_EndUser_40\bin
  3. Create a batch file, run.bat, and save it in \vip_simulation\rs\verilog. The file run.bat should contain the following commands with the paths changed according to your system setup:
    cd \vip_simulation\rs\verilog
    vmap -c
    vlib work
    vlog rs_enc.v
    vlog rs_enc_vectors.v
    vlog rs_enc_vip_top.v
    vsim -pli  \bin\libplimtivip rs_enc_vip_top
  4. Open a DOS Prompt
  5. Change to the directory \vip_simulation\rs\verilog
  6. Type run.bat and press enter.

(Note 1) Here is how you set an environment variable in Windows NT:

  1. From the Start Menu, Choose Control Panel
  2. Double-click on the System Icon
  3. Click on the Environment tab
  4. Type the variable name in te Variable field.
  5. Assign the variable a value.
  6. Click on the Set button
  7. Click on the Apply Button
  8. Click on OK.

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