Critical Issue
Quartus II Incremental Compilation in the Quartus II software version 11.0 has some limitations regarding the merging and processing of RAMs into RAM blocks. If your design includes post-fit partition that contains a Transceiver Reconfiguration Block (alt_xcvr_reconfig) connected to a Transceiver PHY IP core and that Transceiver PHY IP core contains an Avalon Memory Map block, Place and Route might fail with an error similar to the following:
Error: Fitter was not able to process memory blocks
within the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller (alt_xcvr_reconfig)
connected to a XCVR PHY IP containing component Avalon Memory Map
block <Avalon Memory Map block name>.
Ensure that the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller is not placed in a post-fit Quartus II Incremental Compilation partition.