By default, the Quartus® II software only generates the compressed JBC file. The option to disable the “Compressed” JBC file generation in "Device and Pin Option">"Programming Files" has been grayed out. Therefore, you will not be able to directly generate the uncompressed JBC file from the Quartus II software graphical user interface.
To generate an uncompressed JBC file, follow the steps below:
1) Open a browser window and navigate to <Quartus II installation folder>\quartus\bin\quartus_jbcc.exe.
2) Place the “quartus_jbcc.exe” and the “<filename>.jam” file created from the Quartus II software in the same directory.
3) Open a command prompt window and navigate to that directory. Type the following to generate the uncompressed JBC file:
quartus_jbcc.exe -n <filename>.jam <filename>.jbc
4) The uncompressed JBC file will now be created in the same directory.