Article ID: 000078369 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 07/25/2014

Why does alt_signaltap_run fail in MATLAB?


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition
  • DSP

    When alt_signaltap_run is run under MATLAB™, an "Assertion failed" pop-up window is displayed and MATLAB crashes when the pop-up is dismissed.


    For Quartus II software version 13.1 the following workaround is available:

    1. Copy <your quartus install path>\bin\alt_signaltap_run.dll  to <your quartus install path>\bin\alt_signaltap_run.mexw32
    2. Copy <your quartus install path>\bin64\alt_signaltap_run.dll  to <your quartus install path>\bin\alt_signaltap_run.mexw64
    3. Open a DOS command window at <your quartus install path>\dsp_builder and enter "PATH=<your quartus install path>\bin;<your quartus install path>\bin64;%PATH%
    4. In the same DOS command window, start Matlab by entering:
      <your quartus install path>\dspba\dsp_builder.bat -m "<your Matlab install path>/bin/matlab.exe"
    5. In Matlab, enter "addpath <your quartus install path>\quartus\bin" or "addpath <your quartus install path>\quartus\bin64" as appropriate.
    6. Then run "alt_signaltap_run" as normal.

    Steps 1 & 2 need only be executed once, and steps 3-6 need to be executed each time you wish to run Matlab with DSP Builder.

    This issue is scheduled to be fixed in a future version of the Quartus II software.

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