No, you cannot use a transceiver RX Pin as a CDR REFCLK for the HDMI™ Design Example Receiver Interface (Sink) on Arria® 10 and Cyclone® 10 devices.
The HDMI TMDS_CLK frequency is dependent on the video resolution. Low resolutions have a TMDS_CLK frequency of 27MHz below the minimum CDR REFCLK frequency. The HDMI Design Example implements a cascaded IOPLL architecture to multiply up the TMDS_CLK for low-resolution video.
The RX Pin as a REFCLK feature can only be used when connected directly to the CDR REFCLK. Your design will fail to fit in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software if you place the HDMI Design Example RX REFCLK on an Rx Pin.
To work around this problem you should place your HDMI Design Example TMDS_CLK on a dedicated transceiver REFCLK pin.