To generate CvP programming files for Arria® V or Cyclone® V CvP designs with Quartus® II software version 13.1 and earlier, follow the workaround/fix steps below:
Ensure that you have a CvP fixed die revision capable device.
To do this, refer to the Configuration via Protocol section of the Device Errata Sheet for the required die codes.
The workaround requires the following steps:
a) Add/Create the following. INI variables in a quartus.ini file in your Quartus® project directory ( <Working_Directory>/ ) to enable CvP programming file generation
b) Optionally add the following QSF settings if you want to utilize the following pin feature:
• Enable the CvP CONFDONE pin
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_CVP_CONFDONE ON
• Set the CvP CONFDONE pin type
set_global_assignment -name CVP_CONFDONE_OPEN_DRAIN ON