Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime software versions 17.0 and earlier, you might see the Quartus-generated NCSIM simulation scripts for the Arria® 10 XAUI PHY load with the the following fatal errors:
ncelab: *F,CUMSTS: Timescale directive missing on one or more modules.
ncelab: *F,NOSNAP: Snapshot 'xaui.xaui' does not exist in the libraries
To work around this problem, perform the following steps:
1) Go to generated simulation model project directory below:
2) Open "a10_xcvr_xaui.sv" in text editor.
3) Add time scale directive (eg: `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps) before model declaration.
a. Look for line with "module a10_xcvr_xaui #("
b. Insert "`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps" in line before "module a10_xcvr_xaui #(".
4) Save "a10_xcvr_xaui.sv"
5) Navigate to <project_dir>/<instance_name>/sim/cadence
6) Run "nscim_setup.sh" using NCSIM simulator tool.
This problem is scheduled to fixed in a future release of the Quartus Prime software.