You may not be able to access Arria® 10 PCIe® IP Core registers if the Arria 10 device uses Configuration via Protocol (CvP) mode and was generated using Quartus® Prime version 16.1, 16.1.1, and 16.1.2.
To work around this issue, change the altera_pcie_a10_hip_161_*.v USE_ALTPCIE_PS_HIP_LOGIC parameter from 1 to 0 and recompile the design.
Depending on your design hierarchy, the PCIe IP register transfer level (RTL) source is typically located at:
Change from:
localparam USE_ALTPCIE_RS_HIP_LOGIC = 1;
localparam USE_ALTPCIE_RS_HIP_LOGIC = 0;
Then, run a full compilation.
Do not regenerate the PCIe IP core after changing this parameter. Regeneration overwrites the change.
This problem is fixed in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 17.0.