Article ID: 000077345 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 06/12/2024

Why might I see an incorrect frequency PreSICE transceiver calibration clock on Stratix® 10 devices?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    You might see an incorrect frequency PreSICE transceiver calibration clock on Stratix® 10 devices if the Quartus® Prime Software has cached an old version of your OSC_CLK_1 Quartus Settings File (QSF) assignment. 

    A PLL inside the FPGA receives the clock from the OSC_CLK_1 pin and provides a 250-MHz calibration clock to PreSICE. This clock calibrates all Stratix® 10 L-Tile and H-Tile device ATX PLLs, fPLLs, CDR/CMU PLLs, and PMAs. 

    The clock source and frequency are chosen in the Quartus® Prime Software project Device and Pin Option GUI or in the QSF file example assignment below. 

    set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_INITIALIZATION_CLOCK OSC_CLK_1_125MHz

    If you have recently changed your Configuration Clock Source setting in the Quartus® Prime Software, an old version may be cached and used by the Quartus® Prime Software. This can result in an incorrect frequency calibration clock which may result in a higher Bit Error Rate (BER) on your Stratix® 10 L-Tile or H-Tile device transceiver channel.


    To work around this problem you can clean your Quartus® Prime Software database after you have changed your Configuration Clock Source setting. You can do this using the Quartus® Prime Software menus as shown below. 

    Project > Clean Project > All Revisions

    You must then recompile your Quartus® Prime Software project.

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