Due to a problem in Intel Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software versions 18.1 to 19.1, the E-Tile transceiver MIF files may not be updated after pressing the Generate HDL button in the E-Tile Native PHY IP Parameter Editor.
You may see one or more of the following symptoms in your design as a result of this problem.
- The MIF streamer status bit (0x40141[0]) may remain stuck high instead of pulsing high.
- The MIF streamer status bit (0x40141[0]) may never pulse high.
- The transceiver is incorrectly configured resulting in unexpected transmit and/or receive behavior.
To work around this problem you can follow the sequence below.
1) Delete the E-tile Native PHY IP instance <ip_name> directory.
2) Open the E-tile Native PHY IP instance <ip_name>.ip Parameter Editor and generate the HDL.
3) Recompile the design.
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro/Standard Edition Software version 19.2