Article ID: 000077208 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 10/17/2011

The ALTGX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager shows invalid selections on the Rx and Tx Analog pages for Cyclone IV GX


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Critical Issue


    In the ALTGX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, on the Rx Analog page, the What is the receiver termination resistance box lists 85, 100, and 150 Ohms; however, only 85 and 150 Ohms are valid. If you select 100 Ohms, the Analysis & Synthesis report displays the following message:

    Warning: MGL_INTERNAL_WARNING: ( The parameter value is not one of the pre-specified values in the value list.) alt_c3gxb|receiver_termination The value assigned is oct_100_ohms and the valid value list is OCT_85_OHMS|OCT_150_OHMS

    In the ALTGX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, on the Tx Analog page, the Select the Transmitter termination resistance box lists 85, 100, and 150 Ohms; however, only 100 and 150 Ohms are valid. If you select 85 Ohms, the Analysis & Synthesis report displays the following message:Warning: MGL_INTERNAL_WARNING: ( The parameter value is not one of the pre-specified values in the value list.) alt_c3gxb|transmitter_termination The value assigned is oct_85_ohms and the valid value list is OCT_100_OHMS|OCT_150_OHMS


    If you select 100 Ohms, , on the Rx Analog page, the ALXGX MegaWizard applies the default receiver termination resistance. You may safely ignore the message.

    If you select 85 Ohms, , on the Tx Analog page, the ALXGX MegaWizard applies the default transmitter termination resistance of 100 Ohms. You may safely ignore the message.

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