Article ID: 000077103 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 12/04/2013

Error (175001): Could not place Hard IP Error (10104): Unable to find a path between I/O pad and PINPERST port of PCI Express Hard IP.


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Quartus® II software reports this fitter error when you make an incorrect nPERSTL* pin to PCI Express Hard IP location assignment in Cyclone® V devices.

    Pin nPERSTL0 is associated with the upper left PCI Express(PCIe) Hard IP block, and nPERSTL1 is associated with the bottom left PCIe HIP block.
    Note: This mapping is opposite to that used by Stratix® V and Arria® V. 


    To work around this problem modify the RTL as described below, or upgrade to Quartus II software version v13.1

    Below are the steps to switch to Soft Reset Controller:
    1) Open the .v file in which altpcie_cv_hip_ast_hwtcl is instantiated (e.g. ...\pcie_lib\top.v)
    2) Search for the parameter hip_hard_reset_hwtcl and change its value to 0 (zero).
    3) Disable pin_perst input port on the IP instance to hardwire pin_perst to 1’b1 (e.g. <project_dir>\top_hw.v).
       - Example: .pcie_rstn_pin_perst          (1\'b1)
    4) Keep driving npor input with original reset signal to reset the core and application logic.

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