You can implement OCT sharing between QDRII and QDRII SRAM Controller with UniPHY and DDR3 SDRAM Controller with ALTMEMPHY by the following steps:
1. Create your project including a DDR3 SDRAM Controller with ALTMEMPHY and QDRII and QDRII SRAM Controller with UniPHY. Set OCT sharing mode as Slave in QDRII and QDRII SRAM Controller with UniPHY.
2. After analysis and synthesis, run <IP name>_pin_assignments.tcl
3. Add following assignment to Q, CQ and CQN for QDRII SARM interface.
set_instance_assignment -name TERMINATION_CONTROL_BLOCK " termination_blk0" -to mem_q[0]
4. Add pin location assignment to termination_blk0~_rdn_pad and termination_blk0~_rup_pad