Article ID: 000076427 Content Type: Install & Setup Last Reviewed: 07/14/2015

Internal Error: Sub-system: ASM, File: /quartus/comp/asm/asm_split_bits_utility.cpp, Line: 621 Bad mask!


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software version 13.1 and earlier, you may see this error when compiling a Cyclone® IV or Cyclone V design using the Functional Safety Separation Flow.

    During partition import of strictly preserved safety partitions, routes to top-level safe IO buffers are not correctly preserved. When the Assembler detects the preservation mismatch during the Design Modification Flow it fails with this internal error.


    To work around this problem, for the Quartus II software version 13.1 Update 4, download and install patches 4.30 and 4.55 from the links below. You must install the Quartus II software version 13.1 Update 4 before installing these patches.

    For the Quartus II software version 14.1 Update 1, download and install patch 1.04 from the links below. You must install the Quartus II software version 14.1 Update 1 before installing this patch.

    This problem is fixed beginning with version 15.0 of the Quartus II software.

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