Article ID: 000076375 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 02/08/2013

Post-fit simulation for designs that target Arria V and Cyclone V devices with HPS IP atoms might function incorrectly


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Critical Issue


    If your design targets an Arria V or Cyclone V device and includes hard processor system (HPS) IP atoms, post-fit simulation might function incorrectly under the following circumstances:

    • If the hps2fpga interface data width is configured to 32 or 128 bits
    • If the fpga2hps interface data width is configured to 32 or 128 bits
    • If the hps2fpga user clocks output frequencies are other than 100 MHz

    Update the Verilog Output File (.vo) generated by the EDA Netlist Writer prior to post-fit simulation, as follows:

    • Add a parameter named DATA_WIDTH and set the value to either 32, 64 or 128 according to the hps2fpga Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) data width.
    • Add a parameter named DATA_WIDTH and set the value to either 32, 64, or 128 according to the fpga2hps AXI data width.
    • Add parameters named H2F_USER0_CLK_FREQ, H2F_USER1_CLK_FREQ and H2F_USER2_CLK_FREQ. Set the values of these parameters according to the frequencies of the h2f_user0_clk, h2f_user1_clk and h2f_user2_clk user clocks, respectively.

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