Article ID: 000076059 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 03/17/2023

Unable to establish a connection because no memory interface targets exist on the linked device


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Due to a problem with the External Memory Interface Toolkit available in version 12.0 of the Quartus® II software, you might see this error when attempting to connect to External Memory Interfaces with the following characteristics:

    • Slave sharing interfaces
    • Interfaces implemented in the Platform Designer



    To work around this problem, the .jdi file that is generated by the External Memory Interface Toolkit should be modified.  This file is generated in your project directory by the External Memory Interface Toolkit. The following procedure should be followed:

    1. Open the External Memory Interface Toolkit.
    2. Run the Initialise Connections task.
    3. Close the External Memory Interface Toolkit.
    4. Identify the jdi file <project name>.jdi and open the file in a text editor.
    5. For each line that begins \'node hpath="<name of external memory interface>\' the hierachy should be modified to add "foo:if0|" into the hierarchy before the dmaster component.
    6. Re-open the External Memory Interface Toolkit.


    An example on how the node is edited:


    <node hpath="DDR3_A:DDR3_A_inst|DDR3_A_0002:ddr3_a_inst|DDR3_A_dmaster:dmaster|altera_avalon_st_jtag_interface:jtag_phy_embedded_in_jtag_master|altera_jtag_dc_streaming:normal.jtag_dc_streaming|altera_jtag_streaming:jtag_streaming|altera_jtag_sld_node:node|sld_virtual_jtag_basic:sld_virtual_jtag_component|sld_virtual_jtag_impl:sld_virtual_jtag_impl_inst" instance_id="0" mfg_id="110" node_id="132" sld_node_info="0xC206E00" version="1">


    <node hpath="DDR3_A:DDR3_A_inst|DDR3_A_0002:ddr3_a_inst|foo:if0|DDR3_A_dmaster:dmaster|altera_avalon_st_jtag_interface:jtag_phy_embedded_in_jtag_master|altera_jtag_dc_streaming:normal.jtag_dc_streaming|altera_jtag_streaming:jtag_streaming|altera_jtag_sld_node:node|sld_virtual_jtag_basic:sld_virtual_jtag_component|sld_virtual_jtag_impl:sld_virtual_jtag_impl_inst" instance_id="0" mfg_id="110" node_id="132" sld_node_info="0xC206E00" version="1">

    This problem is fixed starting with the Quartus® II software version 12.0.1.



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