Critical Issue
In the ALTGX MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, if you select Basic (PMA Direct) in the Which protocol will you be using? box and XN in the Which subprotocol will you be using? box on page 3, turn on Use Auxiliary Transmitter (ATX) PLL on page 4, and then return to page 3 and select None in the Which subprotocol will you be using? box, the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager does not turn off the Use Auxiliary Transmitter (ATX) PLL box on page 4. As a result, the ALTGX megafunction incorrectly enables an ATX PLL.
Before you change the subprotocol from XN to None on page 3, turn off Use Auxiliary Transmitter (ATX) PLL on page 4.