Yes there is a problem with dynamic reconfiguration for a receiver only channel in Stratix IV GX/GT devices. For a receiver only channel, 25 words are read from the MIF instead of 38.
To fix this problem, download and install the appropriate patch below.
- Download the Quartus II software version 11.0 SP1 Patch 1.06 for Windows (.exe)
- Download the Quartus II software version 11.0 SP1 Patch 1.06 for Linux (.tar)
- Download the Readme for the Quartus II software version 11.0 SP1 Patch 1.06 (.txt)
You will then need to regenerate all the Receiver (ALTGX) megafunction instantiations and recompile the design so the MIF file is updated.
This problem will be fixed in a future version of the Quartus II software.