Yes, there is a problem with merging PLL(s) in the ALTLVDS_RX megafunction in the Quartus® II software version 10.0 and 10.0 SP1. The option “Use shared PLL(s) for receivers and transmitters” can not be selected in the ALTLVDS_ RX megafunction.
The workaround is to set the “common_rx_tx_pll” to “ON” in the generated ALTLVDS_RX variation file.
VHDL code Example:
common_rx_tx_pll => "OFF", (Old assigned value)
common_rx_tx_pll => "ON" , (Newly assigned value)
Verilog code Example:
ALTLVDS_RX_component.common_rx_tx_pll = “OFF”, (Old assigned value)
ALTLVDS_RX_component.common_rx_tx_pll = “ON”, (Newly assigned value)