The Intel Quartus Prime fitter can incorrectly assign RapidIO II IP core transceiver RX On-Chip termination resistor with r_r2 (85ohm) when correct parameter is r_r1 (100ohm).
If following conditions are met, design can be at risk.
- Design implements RapidIO II IP core.
- Intel Arria 10 engineering sample device with part number that ends with ES or E2. (Production devices are not affected)
- Intel Quartus Prime versions prior to v16.1.
To work around this problem:
Manually add an RX termination assignment in the Quartus Settings File(.qsf)
set_instance_assignment -name XCVR_A10_RX_TERM_SEL R_R1 -to <xcvr RX serial data name>
This problem has been fixed starting in Intel Quartus Prime software version 16.1.