Article ID: 000075316 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

Error: (vsim-3033) Why do I get the following error when simulating DDR, DDR2 or DDR3 High Performance (HP) Controller in a Stratix IV device?


Why do I get the following error when simulating DDR, DDR2 or DDR3 High Performance (HP) Controller in a Stratix IV device?

Error: (vsim-3033) ../../../../<design_path>/<instance_name>_phy_alt_mem_phy.v(4988): Instatiation of  stratixiii_ddio_in  failed.  The design unit was not found


DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 SDRAM High Performance (HP) Controller simulation uses stratixiii_ddio_in when simulating the controller for Stratix® IV device because the architecture for Stratix III and Stratix IV is the same. 

When simulating the design for Stratix IV, include following libraries in your simulation:


1. <Quartus Installation path>/eda/sim_lib/stratixiii_atoms.vhd

2. <Quartus Installation path>/eda/sim_lib/stratixiii_ components.vhd

For Verilog:

1. <Quartus Installation path>/eda/sim_lib/stratixiii_atoms.v

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