Due a problem in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version 20.2 and earlier, you may see this error during compilation after you migrate a -VG suffix device to a -XG suffix device of Intel® Stratix® 10.
For example, when PWRMGT_SDA is assigned to SDM_IO11 and PWRMGT_SCL is assigned to SDM_IO14 in 1SG280HU2F50E2VG and when you migrate to 1SG280HU3F50E3XG, you may see the following errors.
Error(19989): SDM_IO 11 has conflicting assignments of PWRMGT_SDA and AVSTx8_VALID
Error(19989): SDM_IO 14 has conflicting assignments of PWRMGT_SCL and AVSTx8_CLK
You can work around this problem by one of the following options:
a) Remove the following assignments by editing the .qsf file of the project directly
set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SCL SDM_IO<pin number>
set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SDA SDM_IO<pin number>
b) Do the following steps:
1) Select Device from Assignments menu
2) Click Device and Pin Options
3) Go to Configuration category on the Device and Pin Options window
4) Click Configuration Pins Options
5) Click OK on the Configuration PIN window even though USE PWRMGT_SCL output and USE PWRMGT_SDA output are grayed out.
Even if no changes are required in the dialog, ensure to click OK, but not click Cancel.
6) Click OK on Device and Pin Options window
7) Click OK on Device window
This problem is fixed starting with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 21.1.