If you use the CvP_CONFDONE as a regular I/O pin, you will not be able to use it to monitor if a device is configured successfully with the periphery image in CvP initialization and update mode.
If you turn on the CvP_CONFDONE pin option in the Quartus® II software, it will be a dedicated output pin and it can no longer be user as regular I/O pin in user mode. If you turn off this option, the CvP_CONFDONE pin functions as a normal user I/O pin.
If you want use this pin as regular I/O in user mode, you can monitor the CvP_CONFIG_DONE signal from the PCIe host when configuring the fabric (core) image into the device. This signal indicates that the control block has completed the device configuration using CvP and there are no errors. Refer to table 6–7 in the Configuration via Protocol (CvP) Implementation in Altera FPGAs user guide (PDF).