Due to the Power Management Controller on the Intel® Stratix® 10 Signal Integrity Production Development Kit being a LTM2987 instead of LTM4677, you may see the below error while configuring the Intel Stratix 10 device with a recompiled example design from the development kit installer, that may have the PMBus slave device incorrectly set as LTM4677.
Device has stopped receiving configuration data
Error message received from device : Detected hardware access error. There is a failure in accessing external hardware. (Subcode 0x0033, Info 0x00000000, Location 0x0000C000)
To avoid this error and configure the Intel Stratix 10 device successfully, open the Example Design project in the Intel Quartus® Prime Pro software and do the following:
- Select the PMBus slave device type as 'OTHER' under Power Management & VID settings or
- Add to the .qsf file : set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_SLAVE_DEVICE_TYPE OTHER