Article ID: 000074536 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 05/10/2017

Why do I see the fitter error "Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location PIN" for AVSTx8 data signal?


Due to Avalon-ST x8 mode uses the SDM_IO bank, which is dedicated IO for configuration signal, AVSTx8 cannot place to userI/O pins. 

In Intel Stratix10® pin connection guide page7, table3. Avalon-ST x8 mode uses the SDM_IO pins. SDM IO bank is dedicated IO for configuration signal, cannot locate user I/O.


In Stratix10 Configuraition User Guide page12, table4, it said AVSTx8 signals are dedicated, cannot use dual purpose user IO.


Only dual purpose configuration pins can user as user I/O during user mode. It describes in note15. AVST_DATA, AVST_VALID, and AVST_CLK.

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