Since .jbc files are binary files, you cannot read the contents of the file with a standard text editor. The Altera® stand-alone Jam STAPL Byte-Code Player provides a -i feature that displays .jbc file header information. This feature displays the header information without performing any of the actions specifed in the .jbc file. This header information displayed includes:
- File transmission cyclic redundancy code (CRC)
- File creator
- File creation date
- Devices in the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) chain
- IDCODE of the device(s)
- Data checksum(s)
- Individual device source file name(s)
- STAPL specification version
- Available actions
- Optional procedures within actions
The syntax for using this -i option is:
jbi -i my_file.jbc
For users familiar with the Jam STAPL (JEDEC standard JESD-71), the -i feature lists the CRC value, all note fields, all actions, and all procedures within those actions.