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Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool Shows Prime Number Fail

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000094564   |   Last Reviewed: 07/12/2023


While running Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool the Prime Number test module fails.



Find guidelines below to resolve common issues leading to Prime Number fail:

  1. Ensure your BIOS is up to date and/or reset BIOS to its default.
  2. Verify your processor’s thermal cooling solution is appropriate for your system. A drop in CPU Utilization or Speed while an application is running can also indicate thermal throttling is occurring due to an improper cooling solution.
  3. Confirm your Turbo option in the BIOS is not disabled.
  4. Open Task Manager and check the Performance of your CPU, as excessive utilization may lead to a failed test result.
    • In addition, monitor Memory, as insufficient availability of memory is another possible cause.

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