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Can an Intel® NUC Support Headless Operation?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000091888   |   Last Reviewed: 09/22/2023


I want to b​​​​oot the NUC without the following attach devices:

  • Video/Monitor 
  • Keyboard 
  • Mouse

how can I tell if my system supports it?


  1. Go to the Technical Product Specifications for Intel® NUC Products.
  2. Click on Select your Intel NUC group and choose the NUC generation of your model.
  3. Click on the Technical product specification next to your NUC model. It should open a PDF file.
  4. Look for Overview of BIOS Features.
  5. Find overview of Booting Without Attached Devices (Headless).

Additional information

  • A headless system is a computer that operates without a monitor, graphical user interface (GUI) or peripheral devices, such as keyboard and mouse.
  • Headless operation is typically employed to reduce operating costs.

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