Explains the functionality supported with the NVMe* SSDs and the Opal* security encryption standard.
The Intel® VROC supported configurations guide lists the NVMe* drives that Intel® VROC supports, but does not clearly state if these drives are supported if encrypted with the Opal* standard.
Intel® VROC supports encryption/decryption on self-encrypting drives (SED) with Opal* while in a RAID configuration.
For more details, refer to the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) User Guide for the Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Feature.
For Intel® VROC to properly support self-encrypting drives (SED) with Opal*, confirm the following:
- The drive must be listed in the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) NVMe* Drives Support List to be supported with Intel® VROC.
- The platform must be properly configured to support SED with Opal* key management. Intel® VROC does not contain this capability.