Prior to doing the upgrade of the software, backup the following files.
Backup EMA SQL DataBase and MeshCertSettings outlined in the Intel® EMA installation guide section 1.4.1- Backup Important Data
After upgrading if the Intel® EMA WebUI does not work and IIS produces the following error.
check if the following C:\inetpup\wwwroot\bin\ directory has been deleted; an uninstall and reinstall of Intel® EMA may be necessary. When uninstalling the Intel® EMA software, don’t remove the Database or the Mesh Cert, this will likely help you avoid the step of restoring the DB and cert from backup.
Note |
If the error message is not clear as the picture above please look at the Internet Information Services (IIS) error on the local server https://localhost to get more details about the IIS error message. |
Symptoms of the problem:
Permissions on the C:\inetpup\wwwroot\bin\ folder where a number of NWebsec files get installed are restrictive or the bin directory was deleted.
Verify if is present and if not copy them to the proper location
Check the following locations to see if exists...
C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\PlatformManager\SitePackages\Default Web Site
C:\Users\<DomainUser>\AppData\Roaming\PlatformManager\SitePackages\Default Web Site\
If the is in the folder
If the is missing
Paste the files to the following location that is applicable in your environment
C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\PlatformManager\SitePackages\Default Web Site\
C:\Users\<DomainUser>\AppData\Roaming\PlatformManager\SitePackages\Default Web Site\
Restart the Platform Manager service and log into the EMA WebUI